Revolutionizing Healthcare

Second session on AutoPrognosis

21 November 2022, saw the twenty first virtual Revolutionizing Healthcare engagement sessions of the van der Schaar Lab and its audience of practising clinicians. That session was the second in our double-header on democratising diagnostic and prognostic modelling in healthcare using automated and interpretable machine learning.

The first session took place on 24 October.  We dived back into AutoPrognosis 2.0, demonstrated its use, and discussed opportunities and questions surrounding the tool with a panel of clinical experts, as well as the audience

If you didn’t manage to join us for the session, you can now watch the archived video, available on YouTube:

session started with a short demonstration by Dr Thomas Callender, MSc MRCP, followed by a short talk by Mihaela about AutoPrognosis in a cardiovascular setting. Prof Eoin McKinney, MD, rounded up the introduction by giving some additional comments from the clinical perspective on AutoPrognosis.

Finally, we had a round table discussion with experts from the field to discuss our tool and their impressions further. Our guests were:

- Dr Anthony Philippakis, MD, PhD (Chief data officer of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, founding director of the Data Sciences Platform, former cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the co-director of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center)

- Dr Sarah Blake, MRCP, PhD (Cardiology Registrar at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and AI Fellow at the AI Centre for Value-based Healthcare; Women in Cardiology Representative at the British Junior Cardiologists’ Association)

Our panelists answered a number of questions posed by Mihaela, and then the audience took the floor to ask us about the tool.

If you are a practising clinician, you can sign up for future sessions of Revolutionizing Healthcare here.


Revolutionizing Healthcare session on AutoPrognosis


Read the AutoPrognosis 2.0 paper